
we are

One of the world’s leading companies that focuses on photography expeditions, with hundreds of satisfied guests every year.


We make sure to take you to the most interesting and unique places – especially the secret spots only the locals know about because we understand that you want to return home with a special experience, interesting stories, and photos that others do not have.

our Expeditions

Are led by our team of over 30 expert guides who work with the best service providers in their respective countries to ensure a strong emphasis on sustainability. Each trip is carefully selected and planned by expert professionals (photographers, biologists, zoologists, anthropologists, etc.), with top-notch logistics and above all – a professional team that will accompany you around the clock and provide you with the best service. We invite you to embark on your next journey – an experiential, special, exciting journey – that will stay with you long after you return home.

our guides

Roie Galitz

An award-winning nature photographer and expert in documenting the world’s largest and rarest animals, from the Arctic to the African Savanna. For over a decade, Roie has been considered one of the world’s leading travelers. His photos were published at National Geographic, BBC, Nikon Pro and more. Roie serves as a Greenpeace Ambassador to the Arctic, and is an international lecturer on environmental conservation. He founded Israel’s Photography Conference and the largest photography school in Israel – Galitz.

Yarin Klein

One of the best nature photographers in Israel. Yarin is an expert in large mammals and predators. India, Tanzania, Spitsbergen, Kamchatka, Costa Rica, Kenya, Philippines, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Zambia – this is only a partial list of places where Yarin has documented the wonderful nature of our world. A journey under Yarin’s guidance is not only interesting and enriching, but also a true lesson for creative thinking as a nature photographer.

Amit Eshel

An award-winning nature photographer and multidisciplinary artist with a deep passion for nature and extensive knowledge in the  world of animals. In 2019, Amit won the Grand Prize at the “Nature’s Best Windland Smith Rice Awards.”
With a vast knowledge on the animals’ world and nature photography, a journey with Amit is an amazing educational experience.

Omer Faragi

Following his love of travel and photography, Omer left a promising high-tech job in pursuit of achieving his dream: to photograph the most beautiful places in the world, from Africa to Frozen Lapland. Omer’s photos always show the landscape’s nature and human nature in it’s glory.

PHD Moshe Agami

Professor Moshe Agami is an ecologist-botanist and a renowned researcher in the fields of botany and zoology. He also managed the botanical gardens at Tel Aviv University for 13 years. Since 1972, he has led over 200 nature hikes and expeditions across all seven continents, earning a reputation as one of the best and leading geographical guides in Israel. Possessing extensive knowledge in botany, zoology, ecology, climate, geology, and more, Professor Agami’s journeys are considered both fascinating and highly enriching.

Lior Akonis

If there are breathtaking sunrise views, awe-inspiring waterfalls, and stunning morning landscapes, rest assured that Lior has already traveled there. As one of Israel’s top and prominent landscape photographers, as well as an instructor in the advanced photography course at the Glaetz Photography School, a journey with Lior is not just a trip to magnificent landscapes but a truly educational experience.

Yossi Bitelman

There are tour guides, and there are life guides. What characterizes Yossi, besides being a talented landscape photographer with thousands of followers, is his unique teaching approach. He wholeheartedly dedicates himself to his students. His distinctive method leads his students to their maximum potential, enhancing their visual and creative perception. Yossi is one of the leading landscape photographers in Israel, a sought-after lecturer, and a guide in the field of landscape photography.

Dor Ashkenazi

A landscape and portrait photographer who lives in a small village near Jerusalem. When Dor was released from the army, he began to engage in professional photography, traveling around the world to catch the frames you don’t see every day. He participated in exhibitions throughout the country and his pictures were published in various media in Israel and around the world.

Yaara Agami

Guide, writer, and specialized lecturer. She previously served as the foreign news editor for the IDF radio station. Specializing in biology, history, and geo-politics, she regularly publishes articles on these topics in leading platforms both in Israel and abroad. She leads nature expeditions and sea voyages worldwide and is an avid long-distance runner.

Edo Pellach

A leading Israeli nature photographer, Edo has traveled in countless places around the globe, addicted to new cultures. Edo is an  expert in animal photography in their natural habitat. Wherever there are interesting predators, Edo is likely already there. From the Tigers of India, to the Alaskan bears, to the Patagonia pumas.

Eduardo Feldman

an award-winning landscape photographer. Born in Mexico and his love for travel has taken him across the globe, from Patagonia to Yukon and from India to Iceland. His works have been featured in numerous prestigious magazines worldwide, including National Geographic. He believes, “The world is magnificent – so why not capture it?”

Elinor Roizman

An award-winning photographer and senior photography guide. Elinor is an expert in animal documentation and the special connection they have with humans. Her work has been published in magazines and media channels in Israel and around the world. In 2018, Elinor won first place in the world’s largest dogs photography competition. She leads Phototeva’s travels to Africa. Elinor is a veterinary student and believes that pickles should be eaten only with vinegar

Elinor Roizman

An award-winning photographer and senior photography guide. Elinor is an expert in animal documentation and the special connection they have with humans. Her work has been published in magazines and media channels in Israel and around the world. In 2018, Elinor won first place in the world’s largest dogs photography competition. She leads Phototeva’s travels to Africa. Elinor is a veterinary student and believes that pickles should be eaten only with vinegar

Eduardo Feldman

an award-winning landscape photographer. Born in Mexico and his love for travel has taken him across the globe, from Patagonia to Yukon and from India to Iceland. His works have been featured in numerous prestigious magazines worldwide, including National Geographic. He believes, “The world is magnificent – so why not capture it?”

Edo Pellach

A leading Israeli nature photographer, Edo has traveled in countless places around the globe, addicted to new cultures. Edo is an  expert in animal photography in their natural habitat. Wherever there are interesting predators, Edo is likely already there. From the Tigers of India, to the Alaskan bears, to the Patagonia pumas.

Yaara Agami

Guide, writer, and specialized lecturer. She previously served as the foreign news editor for the IDF radio station. Specializing in biology, history, and geo-politics, she regularly publishes articles on these topics in leading platforms both in Israel and abroad. She leads nature expeditions and sea voyages worldwide and is an avid long-distance runner.

Dor Ashkenazi

A landscape and portrait photographer who lives in a small village near Jerusalem. When Dor was released from the army, he began to engage in professional photography, traveling around the world to catch the frames you don’t see every day. He participated in exhibitions throughout the country and his pictures were published in various media in Israel and around the world.

Yossi Bitelman

There are tour guides, and there are life guides. What characterizes Yossi, besides being a talented landscape photographer with thousands of followers, is his unique teaching approach. He wholeheartedly dedicates himself to his students. His distinctive method leads his students to their maximum potential, enhancing their visual and creative perception. Yossi is one of the leading landscape photographers in Israel, a sought-after lecturer, and a guide in the field of landscape photography.

Lior Akonis

If there are breathtaking sunrise views, awe-inspiring waterfalls, and stunning morning landscapes, rest assured that Lior has already traveled there. As one of Israel’s top and prominent landscape photographers, as well as an instructor in the advanced photography course at the Glaetz Photography School, a journey with Lior is not just a trip to magnificent landscapes but a truly educational experience.

PHD Moshe Agami

Professor Moshe Agami is an ecologist-botanist and a renowned researcher in the fields of botany and zoology. He also managed the botanical gardens at Tel Aviv University for 13 years. Since 1972, he has led over 200 nature hikes and expeditions across all seven continents, earning a reputation as one of the best and leading geographical guides in Israel. Possessing extensive knowledge in botany, zoology, ecology, climate, geology, and more, Professor Agami’s journeys are considered both fascinating and highly enriching.

Omer Faragi

Following his love of travel and photography, Omer left a promising high-tech job in pursuit of achieving his dream: to photograph the most beautiful places in the world, from Africa to Frozen Lapland. Omer’s photos always show the landscape’s nature and human nature in it’s glory.

Amit Eshel

An award-winning nature photographer and multidisciplinary artist with a deep passion for nature and extensive knowledge in the  world of animals. In 2019, Amit won the Grand Prize at the “Nature’s Best Windland Smith Rice Awards.”
With a vast knowledge on the animals’ world and nature photography, a journey with Amit is an amazing educational experience.

Yarin Klein

One of the best nature photographers in Israel. Yarin is an expert in large mammals and predators. India, Tanzania, Spitsbergen, Kamchatka, Costa Rica, Kenya, Philippines, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Zambia – this is only a partial list of places where Yarin has documented the wonderful nature of our world. A journey under Yarin’s guidance is not only interesting and enriching, but also a true lesson for creative thinking as a nature photographer.

Roie Galitz

An award-winning nature photographer and expert in documenting the world’s largest and rarest animals, from the Arctic to the African Savanna. For over a decade, Roie has been considered one of the world’s leading travelers. His photos were published at National Geographic, BBC, Nikon Pro and more. Roie serves as a Greenpeace Ambassador to the Arctic, and is an international lecturer on environmental conservation. He founded Israel’s Photography Conference and the largest photography school in Israel – Galitz.

our team

Roie Galitz

Founder and CEO

Oded Wagenstein

Chief Operating Officer

Elinor Roizman

Operation Manager

Tal Carmi

Travel Consultant

Tal Sagi

Travel Consultant

Iris Goldstein

Travel Consultant


Paseos Polares


Monte Pelvoux 120
Lomas de Chapultepec -
Miguel Hidalgo 11000 – CDMX
t: 55-47-58-5517


Explorer's Elite LLC

United States and Canada

600 5th Ave,
NYC, NY 10020


Phototeva Ltd.


Hayetsira 26
Ramat-Gan 52521


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