Greenland 2024

Greatest arctic wonderland


11 Days, 10 Nights

August 27-September 6, 2024

From $8715

The largest island in the world sprawls from the same latitude as Oslo and comes closest in the world to the actual North Pole itself. Everything here is extreme, from the ice caps and climate to the wildlife.

Greenland, also known as Kalaallit in the native language, has been inhabited by humans for over 4,500 years, primarily by the Inuit people who migrated from northern Canada. The Inuit heritage still thrives impressively in the isolated settlements. Erik the Red was the first European to settle Greenland in the year 986 AD, giving it its Western name. Welcome to Greenland!


The second-largest ice cap in the world covers Greenland, imparting its distinctive white character, with 80% of the island’s surface covered by it. This ice cap is responsible for massive glaciers, resembling buildings, flowing into deep fjords.

With only 56,000 residents on an area a hundred times larger than Israel, Greenland is the least densely populated territory in the world, excluding Antarctica.

Everything is unique here, especially when visiting the northernmost region in the world – it’s the closest experience for us to explore another world.

Learn From
Our Knowledgable Guides

This expedition cruise is guided by our renowned and award winning team of professionals.

While enjoying the cruise you will learn more about this region and its incredible inhabitants, and experience a close up and intimate encounter with them, witnessing the best “nature film” you’ve ever seen.

Expedition facts

  • Latitude – Between 83° and 55° North
  • Size – Approximately 2,160,000 square kilometers
  • Human Population – 56,000
  • Polar Bear Population – Approximately 2,500
  • Capital City – Nuuk
  • Temperature During the Visit – 10+ degrees Celsius
  • Autonomous with Extensive Rights under Denmark
  • Highest Mountain – Gunnbjørn (3,694 meters)
  • 88% of Greenland’s Population is Inuit
  • The largest nature reserve in the world is in eastern Greenland
  • It is officially located on the North American continent
  • The local currency is the Danish Krone

THE Voyage

Our expedition cruise doesn’t have a normal “itinerary”. We will go where the wildlife are, and search for the best opportunities for you, with the help of our expert staff. This expedition cruise is a world-unique opportunity to get where so few have visited, in a way that even fewer have been fortunate to do so.

Day 0

Akureyri Arrival

Day 1

Embark on the Polar Pioneer.

Day 2

The Adventure Begins 

Day 3

Enter Scoresbysund

Day 4

Visit the Bear Island

Day 5

Greenland's Giant Iceberg

Day 6

Visit the Local Inuit Community

Day 7

Scoresbysund Fjord

Day 8

Bay of Flowers

Day 9

Mestervig Bay

Day 10

Denmark Strait

Day 11

Back to Akureyri

Cruise Day by Day

Day 0

Akureyri Arrival

Our journey begins in Akureyri, Iceland. We recommend spending the night in this unique city before the expedition to ensure you don’t miss the start. Find accommodation from the city’s excellent selection, surrounded by tourist-friendly attractions.

Day 1

Embark on the Polar Pioneer

Embark on our ship, the Polar Pioneer. Spend the first half of the day exploring Akureyri, visiting the old town, botanical gardens, museums, geothermal pools, and riverside cafes.

In the late afternoon, we set sail north towards Greenland through the stunning Eyjafjörður Fjord.

Day 2

The Adventure Begins

Awake amidst Denmark Strait, enjoying a day at sea with intriguing lectures, searching for icebergs, seals, seabirds, and the shores of Greenland. In the evening, we reach Rohmer Fjord, disembarking for the first time to explore Greenlandic shores and maybe even bathe in a hot spring.

Day 3

Enter Scoresbysund

Early morning brings us to Scoresbysund, the world’s largest fjord system, surrounded by colossal icebergs. Cruise among these natural wonders, and in the afternoon, reach the Red Island, a stunning contrast of red stone arches against white ice and blue oceans. Explore the island’s unique landscapes or search for Musk Oxen roaming the tundra.

Day 4

Visit the Bear Island

We will meet in Longyearbyen, Svalbard’s capital. We will let you know exactly where and when to be there and our driver will pick you up from the airport. This day is mostly about settling in, relaxing and organizing everything for tomorrow’s expedition.

Day 5

Greenland's Giant Iceberg

Begin the day in the Northwest Fjord, witnessing the detachment of a massive iceberg from Greenland’s ice cap. The largest continental ice glacier produces the largest icebergs in this region. After a remarkable morning, disembark and explore the remaining ancient Inuit tent rings used for summer hunting.

Day 6

Visit the Local Inuit Community

We’ll explore the remote and unique settlement known as Ittoqqortoormiit, home to the Inuit community. Most still rely on hunting for their livelihoods. Wander through this distinctive town, located near the world’s largest national park and adjacent to the largest, deepest, and most intricate fjord system globally. A stunning destination for culture and scenery enthusiasts alike.

Day 7

Scoresbysund Fjord

Wake up in the narrow fjord of Alpe, passing through mountain peaks at an elevation of 2200 meters with numerous glaciers. The edge of the Specter Glacier almost blocks the Alpe Fjord, leaving only openings for Zodiacs and kayaks to explore its surface. We’ll have the opportunity to approach the impressive glacier. After a morning expedition, we continue north to the unique area called Gat Point, characterized by red and yellow sandstone arches—a breathtaking sight!

Day 8

Bay of Flowers

Start the day by descending to the Bay of Flowers, an excellent spot to observe and appreciate hunting cabins and walk through the expansive tundra. Those interested can venture further for a view of various ponds. In the afternoon, we reach Ella Island, a small triangular island offering multiple options for shoreline excursions and a short walk to a waterfall. In the evening, we anchor near the towering cliffs of Yammer Sea.

Day 9

Mestersvig Bay

In the morning, we’ll embark on Zodiacs in Antarctic Havn or Mestervig Bay, depending on available information. In the afternoon, we begin our journey along the coasts of Denmark Strait, where there’s still a chance to spot whales.

Day 10

Denmark Strait

We sail swiftly towards Iceland, passing through Denmark Strait. Throughout the day, our knowledgeable guides provide captivating lectures on the wildlife encountered, Greenland’s history, and photography and editing. After dinner, we summarize our marvelous journey to Greenland’s hidden gems. Late evening, we plan to arrive in Akureyri and dock for the last time

Day 11

Back to Akureyri

After the last breakfast on board, we’ll conduct a final review of re-entry documents for Iceland. We disembark for the last time, and from here, travelers can continue their journey in Iceland or return home.

polar pioneer

Our impressive ship was originally constructed as a Soviet research vessel designed for Arctic exploration. This means it stands out as the sturdiest ship in its class in Greenland, boasting the highest ice rating and the ability to remain exceptionally stable even in open seas. It’s precisely what we need for our Arctic expedition!

With its compact size, only 50 adventurers can join this journey. It’s the perfect mix of an intimate expedition while still keeping costs highly reasonable, especially post-COVID when prices have surged significantly.

Onboard our ship, you’ll find an exceptionally skilled crew and an outstanding captain with extensive experience navigating Arctic ice. Additionally, we have a team of award-winning guides and experts in polar bears and the Arctic environment.

The moment our skilled teams spot polar bears or other wildlife, we’ll deploy five Zodiacs to approach, capturing shots from unique angles or landing on the shores of Greenland.

Start planning your Arctic adventure today
and let the countdown begin!
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Cruises FAQ

Comfort Level boats are really nice and cozy, the cabins are with bunk beds (except for Superior Suite). The Luxury Level boat is with spacious suites (17-30 sq. Meters) with king size beds, hot tub and sauna on deck, gym and top amenities. Both boats have a nice dinning room, lounge for presentations and of course an open bridge, which we invite you to spend time on and get familiar with our amazing crew.

We are working with awesome chefs, which have received amazing reviews on our previous expeditions. They make our meals with a personal touch, since we’re such a small party.  But, since we are on a boat in the high Arctic, please remember that it won’t be like a restaurant in Provence, but we will do the best we can. The chef will make adjustments to your requirements in terms of allergies and food requirements (vegetarian, vegan etc.) 

Our top pro team is very familiar with the inhabitants of this remote land. We know where the bears like to roam and stay, including some secret spots that we keep especially for you. We have daily satellite ice-charts available, which help us plan ahead and since we operate several ships simultaneously, we notify our boat via satellite communications when we find something.

We are there in summertime, so the temperature are well above freezing. So, it shouldn’t be too cold with temperatures averaging at around +10°C / 50°F and ranging from +2°C / 35°F and +18°C / 65°F. Svalbard is a desert, so it almost never rains. This is our best kind of summer weather!

Inside the boat we keep temperatures at a warm +22°C / 70°F, so bring some short sleeved shirts and indoor shoes for the indoors. Outside it’s nice and cool, so bring layers: base layer and mid layer plus a warm coat, hat, gloves etc. We would rather have you complain on the heat, rather than on the cold. No need to bring classy clothes, we would prefer you’re feeling as comfortable as you can be.

Although photography is really cool (trust us!), you really don’t have to be a photographer to enjoy this trip. Actually, the non-photographers would argue that they enjoy the trip even more, thanks to the fact they’re not looking at the world through the viewfinder and at the end of the trip they get a super-pro level folder of images we took during the trip for them. Another cool fact – about 50% of our guests didn’t even bring a camera.

Remember in the previous answer we’ve mentioned you can enjoy without a camera? Well, trust us, with a camera you’re going to create your dream images of a lifetime. Svalbard is a candy treat for the lens, with its spectacular landscapes and wildlife. Our award-winning team is there to help you create those top shots and in fact many of our favorite shots that got published worldwide were taken in these same expeditions.

There is two kinds of guidance you’re going to get: about Svalbard, the wildlife, history and geography, which is for everyone onboard. And about the photography part, if you’re interested we will guide you on how to get the top images, how to edit them and answer any questions you might have. And of course, throughout the expedition, our experienced team is at your disposal and we encourage you to ask questions and learn as much as you can from them, that’s what we’re here for!

Well, that’s a tricky question. Although we can never guarantee polar bears, or any other wild animal, since they are wild animals in their  own wilderness… (it isn’t a zoo). we can certainly say that so far we’ve had perfect 100% success in finding polar bears. We can also add, that every expedition we found multiple sighting of every animal we aim for and we will continue to do our very best to continue this trend for you and for our spotless reputation.

Well, there’s no secret recipe – just hard work at play. We only lead expeditions at the peak season, only with the best crew, we  use all the information and intelligence we can get and because we’re free of regulation we can go to those secret spots where we usually see them. It’s a combination of experience and a professional approach that we wish for you to see in action.

The high Arctic Ocean really isn’t that bad around Svalbard. The ice really flattens the waves and in the fjords and the straits it’s even more so. We shouldn’t expect substantial waves throughout the expedition, and we might face a bit of rocking on the western side of Spitsbergen island for no more than a few hours on the way out and in of Isfjorden and  Longyearbyen. We do have plenty of anti sea sickness pills onboard in case you are very sensitive to motion.

In Svalbard, any boat with over 13 people is subjected to huge limitations and regulations. The smaller vessel are free of those limitations and can spend more time with the wildlife, get closer and operate around the clock. Also, disembarking and embarking the bigger ships takes very long time, their schedule isn’t flexible because of the need to feed hundreds of people and the animals keep their distance from large groups of humans. These advantages gets us between 200% and 800% better encounters. 

We will go on land as often as we need/desire and depending on the activity and opportunities. It can be even twice a day. We won’t do long hikes, and concentrate on the areas of highest interest for our expedition without wasting time at the boring locations other vessels must visit to pass the time.

We have a packed schedule with talks, presentations and information on the magical land we’re visiting, also we plan our schedule to make the large distances while we’re sleeping, so we don’t “waste” our uptime for cruising between locations.

Polar bears are the world’s largest land predator, and they are dangerous to humans, that’s very true. Our team has the experience and knowledge of how to get close to animals, and the protection as required by local law: rifles, bear deterrent spray and flare gun. But the best way is not to be harm’s way in the first place and that what our team does best.

our travelers say

"This trip was the best gift I could ask for myself"

Rachel Nachshon


“This trip was the best gift I could ask for myself, from the magical landscapes to the spirit of the group, the top-notch hotels, the itinerary and its extreme activities, and the outstanding organisation by the entire system and especially Dor, who conducted this orchestra with a perfect balance of assertiveness, resolve, professionalism, friendliness and humor, making this an unforgettable experience”.

"It’s hard to describe such a powerful experience"

Moshe Bivas


“It’s hard to describe such a powerful experience. The joy of the adventure is poignant and full of satisfaction in the successful completion of the journey to Spitsbergen. Witnessing and feeling the forces of nature; the wild, white beauty floating away. The bears, the foxes, the birds, the whales, the elk, and of course the ship and crew that were almost part of the landscape. And most of all, our guide Yarin Klein, who made this an unforgettable experience.”.

"I will cherish the experiences for life"

Yehudit Rosenthal


“It was indeed a wild journey and I will cherish the experiences for life. The landscapes were wonderful, the guides were excellent, the group was great and the atmosphere was fun and cheerful. I enjoyed everything, and have no complaints. Here’s to the next trips :)”.

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